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How To Say No: Ways to Say Yes To Yourself by Politely Saying No to Others

how to say no?

Sometimes we feel like we have to say yes to everything, but it’s okay to say no. This article is here to help you learn when and how to kindly say no. This way, you can take better care of yourself and do things that make you happy.

When you learn how to say no to someone else, you’re really saying yes to yourself and breaking free from the cycle of people-pleasing. It means you’re choosing what’s best for you. For example, if you’re too tired to go out, saying no is a way of taking care of yourself. It’s important to remember that saying no doesn’t mean you’re being mean. It means you’re looking out for yourself, ensuring you’re not too stressed or busy.

We’ll talk about why saying no can be hard, but also why it’s very important. I’ll also give you easy ways to politely say no. This will help you feel better and have more time for things you enjoy. Let’s learn how to say no without feeling guilty, so you can stay happy and healthy.

What Are The Different Ways To Say No to Prioritize Yourself?

How To Say No: Different Ways To Say No

If you’re finding it tough to figure out how to decline requests or offers, may it be at your workplace, or with friends and family, here are some straightforward and respectful phrases and ways to say no:

  • “I’m too busy today. Maybe I can help out some other time”
  • “Let me think about it”
  • “Sadly, I have something else going on.”
  • “I’m honored you asked me, but I simply can’t.”
  • “Thanks for thinking of me. However, I’m not able to.”
  • “Unfortunately, I already have plans. Maybe next time!”
  • “That sounds really fun, but I won’t be able to make it.”
  • “I’d like to help, but I can’t right now. Could you ask me again later?”
  • “I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that. Is there some other way I could help?”

What To Consider When Saying No and Setting Boundaries

When it comes to saying no, there are some important things to prioritize and remember to ensure you’re communicating your boundaries respectfully and effectively. While it’s natural to want to be polite and considerate, here are some suggestions on what to try and what to avoid.

Try to:

  • Be clear and direct. Clarity and a brief explanation help prevent misunderstandings and show respect for both your time and the other person’s.
  • Offer an alternative when possible. If you can’t fulfill the request as asked by the person making the request, suggesting another way you might be able to help shows your willingness to support.
  • Use a positive tone. Even when declining, a positive tone can soften the disappointment and maintain a good relationship.
  • Be assertive and courteous. Assertiveness allows you to communicate your “no” firmly yet politely, ensuring that your message is heard without coming off as harsh or uncaring.


  • Over-apologizing. While it’s okay to say sorry if you truly wish you could help, overdoing it can undermine your decision to say no. Remember, you have the right to set boundaries.
  • Giving too many details. Over-explaining your reasons for saying no can invite negotiation or pushback. Keep your response simple and to the point.
  • Feeling guilty. It’s natural to feel a bit guilty when saying no, especially if you’re a people-pleaser. However, remember that saying no is a healthy practice for maintaining your well-being and respecting your limits.

It’s crucial to emphasize the importance of setting boundaries for your well-being. Saying no is not just about rejecting a request; it’s about affirming your own needs, priorities, and comfort. Practicing these strategies can help you handle situations more confidently while preserving your boundaries, mental health, and relationships.

Why Is It Hard To Say No?

You’re a People Pleaser and Don’t Want To Disappoint Others

Sometimes, you might say yes to things because you really like making others happy. It feels good when people are pleased with what you do. This can make you have a hard time saying no because you don’t want to say things that can disappoint anyone. You might end up doing things just to keep others smiling, even if it makes you tired or stressed.

Doing things for others all the time can make you forget to do things for yourself. Understanding what causes people-pleasing is crucial in this process. Remember, it’s okay to keep some time and energy for yourself, too. You deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else. If you want to learn how to stop being a people-pleaser, check out this article.

You Don’t Want to Upset Others

A big reason you might have trouble saying no is because you don’t want to make someone else feel bad. This worry about making others upset can make it really tough to say no.

Not wanting to upset others shows you care a lot about their feelings. But it’s also important to care about your own feelings. Sometimes, saying no is necessary for your own good, even if it might disappoint someone else.

You Don’t Want to Feel Guilty

Feeling guilty when you’re trying to say no can be really hard. It’s like if a friend asks for help with moving, and you can’t do it, you might feel like a bad friend. This guilt can make you say yes, even when you’re really busy or it’s not good for you. You don’t want to let people down, so you try to do everything they ask.

But it’s okay to say no when you need to. It’s not being selfish; it’s being wise about what you can take. Saying no sometimes means you’re taking care of yourself, so you can be a better friend in the long run.

You Think You Can Handle It

You might also say yes because you think you can handle everything. You want to be strong and capable, so you keep saying yes, even when it’s too much.

But everyone needs to take a break, it’s okay to admit when you’ve got enough going on. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re not strong; it means you’re smart about how much you can handle. It’s better to do a few things well than to try to do too much and feel overwhelmed.

When and How To Say No To People?

When You’re Overloaded

If you have too many tasks, like homework and chores, and someone asks for more help, it’s okay to say no. Taking on too much can make you feel stressed and tired. It’s important to know how much you can endure. Saying no helps you focus on your current responsibilities without becoming overwhelmed.

Recognizing your limits is important. You could say no if you’re feeling swamped because it is necessary. This will let you know, that you can do your best with the tasks you already have, without adding extra stress to your life.

If You Feel Uncomfortable

When someone asks you to do something that makes you feel uneasy, it’s a good reason to say no. Your feelings are important. If something doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to agree to it. Saying no to things that make you uncomfortable is a way to take care of yourself.

It’s okay to trust your feelings. If you’re uncomfortable with a request, saying no is a way to protect yourself. It’s about choosing what’s best for you.

If the Request Crosses Your Personal Boundaries

If someone asks you to do something that crosses your personal boundaries, like sharing too much personal information or doing something you feel is wrong, it’s okay to say no. Personal boundaries are there to keep you safe and comfortable. Respecting your boundaries is important for your well-being.

Sticking to your boundaries is crucial. Saying no when something crosses these lines shows that you respect yourself. It’s about maintaining your safety and happiness.

If You Feel Guilty or Obligated

Feeling like you have to say yes because of guilt or obligation, even when you don’t want to, means you should consider saying no. If agreeing to something makes you feel unhappy or resentful, it’s better to decline. Saying yes when you don’t really want to can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

It’s important to make choices based on your own needs and happiness. Saying no isn’t selfish; it’s a way to take care of yourself.

If You Are Only Saying Yes to Please Someone Else

Saying yes just to make someone else happy, even if it’s not what you want, is a time when saying no might be best for you. It’s important to make decisions that make you feel good and happy, not just to keep others happy. Saying no in these situations is about respecting your own wishes and well-being.

Making choices that are best for you is crucial. Saying no means you’re putting your feelings and needs first, which is important for your joy and health.

Final Thoughts

Saying no is a valuable skill that helps protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to put your needs first sometimes. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re selfish or uncaring; it means you’re making choices that are best for you. This helps you stay healthy and happy, so you can be there for others when it really matters.

Learning different ways to say no can make it easier to set boundaries and reduce stress. It’s a practice that takes time, but it’s worth it. Remember, saying no in a kind and respectful way shows that you value your own needs as well as the feelings of others. With practice, saying no can become a natural part of how you manage your time and relationships.

Until next time,

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Picture of Derek Guerrette, LCPC, NCC

Derek Guerrette, LCPC, NCC

Derek is the founder of New Perspectives Counseling Services. He is currently licensed in the state of Maine as an LCPC. He enjoys working with people who are working through things like trauma, anxiety, and depression. Derek values humor and authenticity in his therapeutic relationships with clients. He also believes that there are all kinds of things going on in our lives that affect us, but we can't exactly control.

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New Perspectives Counseling Services LLC is based out of the Bangor, Maine area. It's owner, Derek Guerrette, LCPC, NCC, is a licensed therapist in the state of Maine. We hope this website's content is helpful to you in some way. If you have any content suggestions or live in Maine and would like to start therapy, we would love to hear from you!

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The writer of this post is a licensed therapist. That being said, this website and all its content are not a substitute for therapy. They are better served as a tool to use along with therapy. If you are in a crisis, please call 911 or see these other resources for more appropriate immediate support.
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