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5 Simple Ways to Check In with Yourself and Your Mental Health

Staying connected with our internal needs is crucial in today’s fast-paced world. The true balance lies in our mental well-being. Let’s explore five practical strategies to tap into our inner self and ways to check in and assess our mental state.

Hopefully, I have an easier time talking about these things than I did in the video!

Why Is It Important To Have Ways to Check In With Yourself And Your Emotions?

Taking the time to check in with yourself is a great way to practice mindfulness and place a priority on our own well-being. Finding a quiet time during the day to acknowledge your own needs will help you be more intentional. if you have spent time here with me before, you will know “being intentional” is super important to me.

Check-ins are one of the most important ways for us to create space for our needs. If you do not take this time, you may find yourself operating on autopilot during the day. Sometimes that is okay. But if you’re trying to be aware of your mental wellness, autopilot is not what you want to be doing!

These are some of the ways I teach clients to check in with themselves, in order to be more intentional in life.


The act of writing is transformative and one of the powerful ways to check in with yourself. It provides a private space for our most intimate thoughts and feelings. Journaling isn’t just about capturing daily events; it’s a therapeutic tool that allows us to unpack our emotions and gain clarity. Over several entries, patterns may emerge, shedding light on particular triggers or recurring themes that might be affecting our mental health.

Putting things on paper gets them out of our head, makes them real. And this allows us to work on them.

Consistency is key. Even if it’s just a few minutes a day, dedicating time to write can foster self-awareness and offer a sanctuary for self-reflection. It’s not about crafting perfect sentences but pouring out authentic feelings and experiences.

Exploring Reactions:

Emotional outbursts or unexpected reactions are signals. Instead of suppressing or dismissing them, it’s beneficial to dive deeper and explore their origins. Was it really the spilled coffee that sparked frustration, or is there an underlying stressor you haven’t addressed?

Reflection fosters understanding. By frequently analyzing our reactions, we can pinpoint the deeper issues at play. This proactive approach promotes genuine healing and allows us to better navigate similar situations in the future.

When working with clients, I find that there is a lot to gain by taking the time to explore our reactions that surprise us.

Making Checklists:

The weight of unorganized tasks can be mentally taxing. By laying them out in a checklist, the once overwhelming to-dos suddenly become tangible, manageable items. There’s a psychological boost in ticking off tasks – each tick is a step towards accomplishment and clarity.

Beyond mere organization, checklists offer perspective. They provide a visual snapshot of what needs attention, allowing us to prioritize and allocate our energy efficiently. It’s not just about getting things done, but achieving a mental state of clarity and purpose.

Get those lists out of your head! By doing so, you free up your brain power from trying not to forget all the crap you have to do!

Asking Yourself What You Need:

Self-awareness is empowering. Taking a moment to sit and ask what you truly need can be revealing. Sometimes, the answers are simple: a break, a chat, or a change in environment. Sometimes it is even just food, water, or sleep. At other times, they might prompt deeper introspection or external assistance.

Honoring our needs is a form of self-love. By regularly checking in with ourselves, we cultivate a habit of self-care, ensuring that our mental well-being remains a priority amidst life’s complexities.

54321 Grounding:

Grounding techniques are anchors during stormy times. The 54321 method is especially effective when anxiety strikes or when feelings become overwhelming. By focusing on our five senses, we’re pulled back into the present, providing a much-needed break from distressing thoughts or feelings.

  • 5 things you can see
  • 4 things you can touch
  • 3 things you can hear
  • 2 things you can smell
  • 1 thing you can taste

This technique isn’t just a simple distraction; it’s a deliberate tool to recalibrate and realign when the world feels askew. This went much better than in the video…

Final Takeaways:

Taking a few minutes daily to employ these techniques can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself. Remember, nurturing the mind is as essential as caring for the body. Together, let’s embrace a holistic approach to well-being.

If you are interested in learning more, do not be afraid to reach out! Or you can always look more into my content on YouTube, there is plenty there!

Until next time,

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About Us

New Perspectives Counseling Services is based out of the Bangor, Maine area. It's owner, Derek Guerrette, LCPC-C, NCC, is a licensed therapist in the state of Maine. Although we are not currently seeing clients, we hope this website's content is helpful to you in some way. If you have any content suggestions, we would love to hear from you!

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The writer of this post is a licensed therapist. That being said, this website and all its content are not a substitute for therapy. They are better served as a tool to use along with therapy. If you are in a crisis, either call your local crisis hotline, or 911. This page may contain affiliate links. New Perspectives Counseling Services does not and will not provide affiliate links to products or services that we do not utilize in our own lives.

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