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Recent Posts From Derek

One of the activities I have gotten the most positive feedback on is the core values activity. In this article, I will describe and walk you through the activity, and...
One of the questions I get asked by many new clients is, “What exactly is the benefit of self-pay.” So, I will take some time in this article to outline...
Have you ever met someone who always seems to say yes, no matter what? Someone who always puts others’ needs before their own? These people are often called “people-pleasers.”. As...
Have you ever felt like you’re always trying to make everyone else happy, even if it means you’re not so happy yourself? That’s called being a people pleaser. It’s like...
Some of us really like making others happy, even if it means we forget the importance of self-care and looking after ourselves. This is something called people pleasing. It’s when...
In our daily interactions, we often find ourselves catering to the needs and desires of others. It’s a natural part of human relationships—the give and take that forms the basis...
In today’s fast-paced world, the phenomenon of people pleasing has become increasingly dominant. This behavior, often mistaken for mere kindness or the desire to be helpful, goes much deeper, touching...
Sometimes we feel like we have to say yes to everything, but it’s okay to say no. This article is here to help you learn when and how to kindly...

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